Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Birthday Party

Chokuli's 4th birthday!  (Random aside: everytime I hear Chokuli's name being called I think of the word chocolatey!  I can't help it!  I want her to eat chocolate always).  I have never seen a Hindi birthday before.  The birthday girl got all dressed up and basically was queen for a day!

Her aunt feeding her sugar.  5 times a female performed a little ritual that involved placing a red dot in the center of her forehead, encircling her head with a ring (clockwise and counterclockwise), throwing some puffed rice on her head, feeding her sugar and encircling her head with a small lamp.

After the Indian ritual Chokuli was sung Happy Birthday to in English and her parents Manisha and Dada helped her blow out the candles.  She got to cut the cake and feed bits of it to all of her guests.

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